A two part video exploration produced by Burnt Ridge Nursery and Orchards, featuring nationally renowned tree expert Michael Dolan. Hear how Michael and Carolyn's 40 year adventure began and be inspired by its evolution! Take a stroll with Michael through their 20 acres of mature fruit and nut orchards and learn the essentials of growing fruit and nut trees and shrubs. Geared to a national audience, each video covers 60+ minutes of varietal information, organic practices, and growing tips that will help you learn from their successes and failures and will help you decide which varieties to grow at your location. A great gift for the garden adventurer in your life, the backyard grower, regenerative agricultural enthusiasts, or for those considering a commercial or retirement planting.
The videos are also available for streaming and download on Vimeo ($4.50 each to rent or $15.00 each to purchase):
Out --Standing-- In His Field of Fruit https://vimeo.com/ondemand/burntridgefruit
Out --Standing-- In His Field of Nuts https://vimeo.com/ondemand/burntridgenuts