Beautiful showy trees that are commonly grown for their ornamental blossoms and berries that attract wildlife. Dogwood Trees have all season interest in the landscape. The Cornus genus has a vast amount of species and varieties to choose from.
Cornus amomum - Silky Dogwood is native to North American. Produces small white flower clusters and dark blue fruits. Also called Swamp Dogwood because it commonly grows in wetland areas.
Cornus florida - Although all dogwoods bloom, this species is referred to particularly as Flowering Dogwood because of its attractive, large, ornamental blossoming varieties.
Cornus kousa - Native to Asia, these Oriental Dogwood trees are smaller and rounder. In spring they are covered in smaller blossoms of white, white with pink tips, pink or deep pink (Rosabella or Satomi Red). Produces a bright red berry in the autumn which is edible to humans and wildlife. This species is disease resistant and can be maintained as a shrub.
Cornus mas - Cornelian Cherry Dogwoods are very hardy (-30° F). Very early blooming and are producers of edible fruit that can be eaten fresh or used in cooking.
Cornus nuttallii - Pacific Dogwoods have huge white flowers on tall, impressive trees. All Pacific Dogwoods should be planted in sunny locations with good air circulation to minimize disease problems. Avoid sprinkler irrigation. Drought tolerant. Native to the Pacific Northwest.
Cornus sericea - Red Osier Dogwoods are great shrubs for fall and winter interest with its red fall color, red twigs, and berries that feed wildlife.