Interesting, unique, fragrant and unexpectedly hardy! The hardiest of the Eucalyptus Tree varieties that we carry is the gunnii species aka Cider Gum. It is hardy to Zone 7 (0° F) and can grow to 50 ft.
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Winter / Spring (Jan-June)
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Fall (Nov-Dec)
Small, broad tree with long, lance shaped bluish-green to silver mature leaves and round juvenile leaves. Brown-red bark sheds in strips, reveals greyish-white mottled trunk. Mass of round white flowers clusters in spring and summer but are not particularly showy. Alpine Snow Gum is an evergreen eucalyptus that can handle some snow and will bend its branches down by the weight of the snow sheltering itself in a way. Well-drained soil. Deer resistant. Good choice for the Pacific Northwest. Very attractive. Average of 20 ft. but occasionally taller. Zone 7-10.
This is the most commonly grown hardy eucalyptus. A fast growing evergreen with a sweet sap and is suitable for tapping to make a syrup or sweet beverage. Blue Ice Cider Gum is a blue leafed form, can be cut back annually to a shrub like form and the foliage is used in floral arrangements.
Quickly becomes a tall, columnar tree with 10" long, narrow leaves. It has reddish twigs, bark has patches of pink, brown, and gray and will peel back to reveal a pure white smooth trunk. Fragrant, evergreen foliage. Hard, useful wood. Prefers dry, sandy soil conditions. Mountain White Gum Eucalyptus can grow up to 164 ft. in its native Australian growing conditions but will be much smaller in unnatural growing spaces, possibly reaching 50 ft. To 4°F. Zone 8-10.
Broad, round, blue-green to silver leaves on square twigs. Evergreen, shrubby, fast growing tree. One of the most attractive, fragrant Eucalyptus and great for floral arrangements. Omeo Gum Eucalyptus branches have a cascading growth. Multi-trunked, with peeling grey bark. Grows to 20-30 ft. Hardy to about 5° F. Zone 7-10.