Also known as Chinese dates. Jujubes have sweet, reddish-brown fruit. Great flavor and texture - apple like (when fresh) and date like when dried. Jujube trees have small glossy leaves and they tolerate extreme heat, drought & winter temperatures to -10° F.
It leafs out late spring and blooms early summer. Quick to bear, likes a well drained, sunny location. Zone 6-9. They are often the last trees to break dormancy, so don't worry if it takes a while for the tree to leaf out.
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Winter / Spring (Jan-June)
Summer (July-Oct)
Fall (Nov-Dec)
Also known as Chinese dates, Li Jujube has sweet reddish brown, oval fruits that taste like dates. Good dried or especially good fresh, where it can be eaten early when yellow/green. Small, glossy leaved tree. Leafs out late spring and blooms in early summer. Tolerant of extreme heat, drought and winter temperatures to minus 10F. Precocious and self-fertile. Thorny. Zone 6-9.
This variety has the largest fruit, generally over 2" round, and is reddish brown, shiny and sweet. Self-fertile. Shanxi Li Jujube is hardy to Zones 6-10 in areas with warm summers, otherwise Zone 6-9.
Medium sized rounded fruit is reddish brown and exceptionally sweet and crunchy. Very spiny branches have the potential for use in a hedgerow. Sugar Can Jujube will need to cross pollinate with another jujube like So or Li.