RUSSET BUFFALOBERRY (Shepherdia canadensis) |
Also known as soapberry. Widely adapted nitrogen fixing shrub with small yellow flowers and juicy red berries. Russet buffaloberry differs from regular Buffaloberry in that this shrub is thornless, but the berries, while edible, are more bitter. This species is native to Washington along Puget Sound and is also found in Coastal Alaska and Western British Columbia, though it is more common in the Intermountain West. Zone 2-7 |
SALAL (Gaultheria shallon) |
Understory native shrub with edible black fruit growing in clusters. Blueberry sized berries are a traditional staple food of Northwest Coastal Indians. Can be eaten fresh, cooked, or dried. Salal makes an excellent jelly. Stems with large evergreen leaves used in floral arrangements. In sun, will be about 2 ft. tall; in shade up to 6 ft. Zone 7-9. |
SALMONBERRY (Rubus spectabilis) |
Understory west coast native shrub that is very shade tolerant. Magenta pink flowers in early spring, yellow or red fruits in May and June. Attracts bees. Salmonberry produces berries that are juicy, seedy and refreshing when little else is ripe. Zone 3-9. |
A shade tolerant, evergreen shrub native to the coastal NW. Scarlet Ovation evergreen huckleberry produces an edible, black, blueberry-like fruit in the fall. Cut branches used in floral arrangements. This selection is noted for more compact growth (3' x 3') and especially colorful scarlet new growth in spring that turns green by midsummer. Zone 7-9. |
SERVICEBERRY SEEDLINGS (Amelanchier alnifolia) |
Masses of white flowers in spring followed by pea-sized tasty blue fruits in summer. Good fresh and in pies, pancakes, etc. Red to orange fall color foliage. Serviceberry seedlings will grows to be around 8-10 ft. large shrubs or small trees. Hardy to -40°F. |
SNOWBERRY (Symphoricarpos albus) |
Small shrub with ½" white berries, persisting over winter until eaten off by wildlife. Pale green leaves with very tiny inconspicuous pink flowers. This northern native plant is very shade tolerant. Snowberry grows to about 5 ft. Zone 3-7. |
SWORD FERN (Polystichum munitum) |
Large leaved evergreen fronds are up to 4 ft in height and width. The Sword Fern is native to cool shady forests in the maritime northwest, from Northern California to Canada. Zone 7-8. |
THIMBLEBERRY (Rubus parviflorus) |
Thornless plant with soft, large maple-shaped leaves. A springtime profusion of white flowers. Berries are ½ " in diameter and are bright red, sweet, and edible. Butterflies visit the blossoms for nectar. Fruit is very soft and loved by birds. Thimbleberry spreads via underground runners to form a thicket, growing to 6 ft. Zone 3-9. |