Medium sized golden brown fruit with excellent sweet flavor and yellow flesh. For dessert and cider blends. Golden Russet Apple is a very old American variety. Scab resistant.
ZONE: 4-9
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Early mid blooming. Pollinated by another variety blooming at the same time.
Full sun, balanced moisture, reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest. Tip bearer. May need branch support due to fruit load. Late season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: 800-1000 hours below 45F
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Average. Scab resistant; some resistance to cedar apple rust.
SIZE AT MATURITY: Mini Dwarf - 5'x8'| Dwarf – 8-12'x10'|Semi Dwarf – 10-17'x15'| Standard – 25-30'x20'