Michigan State hardy kiwi is noted for its large size fruit, high yield and wonderful flavor.
ZONE: 4-9
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Male will provide hundreds of showy white blooms with fluffy yellow stamens over 2-3 weeks in April/May; female flowers have double row of stamens with swolen ovary in between. Top layer is thin white stamens (no pollen on them) by comparison.
Full to 1/2 sun (in hottest areas), balanced regular moisture with good drainage A MUST, and soils with high organic matter. Reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly, and suppliment with timed-release organic fertilizer with high nitrogen. Needs very sharp drainage. Dormant prune in February for airflow and ease of harvest. Spur bearer. Prune like grapes. Provide very sturdy trellis especially for female vines - males can be kept tightly pruned or allowed to ramble up tall trees. Minimize pruning during active growth - vines will bleed profusely when cut.
CHILL HOURS: Medium: 800 hours below 45F; needs 210 frost-free days to ripen.
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Very good. If cold kills the vines, they can re-sprout from their own roots the following year.
SIZE AT MATURITY: 40' x 15' unpruned